Census Workers in Your Area

Census Workers in Your Area

Address Canvassing for the 2020 Census
If you are visited by someone from the Census Bureau, and want to verify their identity and occupation, here are some tips to assure the validity of the field representative:
Census takers must present an ID badge that includes a photograph of the field representative, a Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date.
Follow this link and enter any field representative’s credentials. https://2020census.gov/en/census-takers.html
Note that census workers may be carrying a Census Bureau phone or a laptop as well as a bag with a Census Bureau logo.
Watch this two minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOSl4sc3Ts4&feature=youtu.be for more information.
If you still have questions, call 800-991-2520 to speak with a Regional Census Bureau representative.