Free Chair Assisted Yoga Class Starting Tuesday October 10 at 5:00Pm for 4-6 weeks

Free Chair Assisted Yoga Class
Starting Tuesday October 10 at 5:00Pm for 4-6 weeks
in the Community Room Peru Town Hall 3 E Main Rd Peru
Chair assisted yoga is a practice that offers the same benefits of traditional yoga. In this class, we do floor or standing poses using a chair for support and balance. For those who have little/no yoga experience, or who are out of practice, this class will help to cultivate strength, freedom of movement and balance. Each 50-55 minute session begins with relaxing, mindful breathing exercises, followed by modified stretching and strengthening yoga movements. The goal is to safely explore natural range of motion and to generate energy and especially strength. This is a totally non-judgmental stress-free practice.
Bring your curiosity and a desire to increase mobility! No experience required!
Registration and the signing of a waiver will be at the first session. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one and some mats will be available.  The mat is used to keep the chair and you from slipping.
This class is being made possible through funds from the rural health equity grant.
For questions feel free to call Peggy White 413-655-2020 or email