June 12, 2021 Annual Town Election - Polling Hours 10:00am - 4:00pm

June 12, 2021 Annual Town Election        

Polling Hours 10:00am - 4:00pm

Official Polling Place: Peru Community Center, 3 East Main Road, Peru MA

 To vote by mail, all you need to do is:
  1. Complete a *Vote by Mail Application; or an **Absentee Ballot Application or a written request with your signature.
  2. Deliver your application or written request to your town clerk office; by mail or drop box.
  3. Vote when your ballot arrives. (be sure to sign the inside ballot envelope)
  4. Return your ballot by mail or drop box.
*Who Can Vote by Mail?  Anyone, no excuse needed.
**Who Can Vote Absentee? In Massachusetts, according to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, voters may vote by absentee ballot “if they will be absent from the town on election day, and/or have a physical disability which prevents them from voting at their polling location, and/or cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs”. 
Anyone taking precautions due to COVID-19 can vote absentee by reason of physical disability • Voters instructed to self-quarantine within 7 days of election qualify for emergency ballot as if admitted to healthcare facility.
Tuesday, June 8th by 5:00pm is the last day and hour to request a mail-in ballot for the June 12, 2021 election.
Friday June 11th by Noon is the last day to request an in-person absentee ballot * you will need to make prior arrangements with the town clerk.
Apply early, in order to have enough time to return your ballot.                       
Ballots must be returned by close of polls on Election Day.                                      
Can be returned by mail, in person, or at a drop box.
The last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election is Saturday May 22, by 8:00PM.
Voter Registration Session 2-4 & 7-8
Kim Leach, Town Clerk          Phone: Office # 413-655-8312 X 2 - Home #413-464-7866                            
Town Website: townofperuma.com
E-mail:  townclerk@townofperuma.com
Mailing Address:
Town of Peru
Town Clerk
3 East Main Road, Suite 102 
Peru MA 01235